“Hokuetsu Seppu” at Echigo-Tsumari Kamigo Clove Theatre Restaurant


A performance restaurant where local villagers serve you home-made meals cooked with seasonal Tsunan-grown ingredients while performing a theatrical piece.This year’s special menu is inspired by an essay called “Hokuestu Seppu”, written in the Edo period about life in this snowy region.

Photo Yanagi Ayumi

Photo Yanagi Ayumi


Date and time Except Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 7/30 (Sat.) to 9/4 (Sun.)

Echigo-Tsumari Kamigo Clove Theatre
(7-3 Miyanohara, Kamigo, Tsunan-town, Nakauonumagun, Niigata)

Admission 2,500 yen *Reservations required; passport must be presented or admission fee is not included.

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