Kyororo Spring Exhibition "Let's study and learn about the plants of Satoyama! Plants of Satoyama


The spring exhibition “Let’s study and learn about Satoyama Plants” is a fun way to learn about the characteristics and diversity of plants that grow in satoyama in snow country! Plants of Satoyama” is an exhibition that provides visitors with a fun way to learn about the characteristics and diversity of plants that grow in satoyama in the snow country, and the importance of research and conservation, using quizzes and worksheets. During the exhibition, specimens of endangered species in the city and images of valuable specimens of extinct species in Niigata Prefecture on loan from the Faculty of Education of Niigata University will be on display.


Three events related to the special exhibition will be held in the Kyororo Forest*.
(1) Observing flowers
(2) Plant specimen making experience
(3) Surveying, exterminating, and experimenting with invasive alien plants (giant longhornwort)
Kyororo Forest has been selected by the Ministry of the Environment as an “important satochi-satoyama for biodiversity conservation.

(1) Flower observation

Dates: April 6 (Sat), May 11 (Sat), June 1 (Sat), July 6 (Sat)
Time: 13:30-16:00

(2) Plant Specimen Making Experience

Date: Saturday, June 1
Time: 10:30-12:00

(3) Survey, extermination, and experimentation with invasive alien plants (giant longhornwort)

Opening day: June 22 (Earth)


Date and time Saturday, March 16, 2024 - Sunday, July 7, 2024
Closed: Tuesdays
Closed on Tues except holidays

Kyororo (Echigo-Matsunoyama Museum of Natural Science)
(Matsunokuchi, Echigo-Matsunoyama, Tokamachi-city)

Admission High school students and older: 500 yen, junior high school students and younger: free

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