Yoshino Ohji


Born in Kagoshima in 1964. Graduated from Kyoto Seika University. Sculptor and currently a professor at Kyoto Seika University. The artist presented numerous installations centred around wood carving. Since the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2009, the artist has focused on creating works emphasising his personal identity and site-specific elements. Advocates for the deep-rooted relationship between natural environments, agriculture, and fishing activities, and explores the irreplaceable connection between humans and nature in the context of renewable natural cycles. Presented allegorical works featuring livestock and birds. Regularly participated in the Karekimata Project at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (2009-), Setouchi Triennale (Takamijima, 2013), and Oki-Noto Triennale (2017, 2023). Awarded mayor’s prize, Kyoto Municipal Art Exhibition, Kyoten (2011), second grand prize, Tenri Biennale (2005), Kyoten award (2004) and grand prize Kyoto Creator Award (1999).


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