Senba Rihou (Second-generation)


“1934 Born in Tokyo 1963 Took over Koryusho-o-kai.
1967 Exhibition of Semba Rihoh Flower Arrangements, Ginza Matsuya, Tokyo 1974 Joined the establishment of “Ikebana Eight people’s group” 1978 Participated in major exhibitions of flower arrangements. Presented flower arrangements for performance and theatre stages including Butoh by Sankai Juku, Jiutamai, ballet, theatre play, and music. The artist continued intervention in the world of plants. Presented many demonstrations both within and outside of Japan. 2006 Participated in Koshirakura Ikebana Art Gallery during ETAT2006 Vice-chairperson of Japan Ikebana Art Association, Vice-chairperson of Teikoku Kadoin, Chairperson of Koryukyokai. Passed away in November 2008. “


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