Fox Wedding

Photo by MIYAMOTO Takenori + SENO Hiromi


About the artwork

The artist recreates the scene of a “bride getting married” using household items found in the house, such as chests, trays and plates. Sericulture used to be popular in Yomogihira village, and mulberry fields were still everywhere until a little over a decade ago. Mulberry, a symbol for the livelihood of this village, is placed so as to envelop the space above. Mulberry trees are sacred, and reinvigorated with life, they bless the room that is about to welcome the bride and create a solemn atmosphere. A workshop titled Omoi no hana (flower of love) was also held here, where participants thought of someone they loved while arranging flowers.


Artwork no. D206
Production year 2009
Area Matsudai
Village Yomogihira
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