Photo by KAWASE Kazue


About the artwork

This project focused on regeneration with the aim to become a place to spin a new tomorrow by laying the time traced by the two artists over the memories residing in an abandoned house. Takahama’s renovation work displays itself as an installation, and the sliding doors with etchings by Ide nestle against the atmosphere and flow of time in the house. Villagers and supporters lent their hands to the artists, who were stunned by the enormous amount of waste wood from the demolished house as well as the mowing work around the house. Seeing how people helped in the midst of heavy rain, the artists said they had come to understand the meaning of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial from their hearts. On the second floor, small works made by primary school children from the Koide community at a workshop are displayed.


Artwork no. N032
Production year 2006
Area Nakasato
Village Koide
Open dates 2334, Aoi, Koide, Tokamachi-City, Niigata
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