Jewelry Quickies

Photo by ANZAÏ


About the artwork

Using discarded articles, I created accessories on the spot in Tokamachi for each visitor, based on the communication between “the maker” and “the wearer” of the article. Not many people fully exxpress themselves in what they put on without worrying about what others think or about the current fashion. Nowadays “the wearer” does not even see “the maker” to exchange ideas or be encouraged to express oneself in one’s attire, and “the maker” just keeps turning out new styles without a thought for the individuality of “the wearer.” As one of “the makers”, I proposed this workshop because I wanted to produce the accessory in front of , and together with, the person would wear it, a person with unique possibilities, different from anyone else. I also wanted to try to demonstrate the characteristics of the land and cultural differences through “accessories”.


Artwork no. T030
Production year 2003
Area Tokamachi
Village Kinare
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