Particle in the Air / Nishitajiri

Photo by MIYAMOTO Takenori + SENO Hiromi

Information and Map

About the artwork

The storehouse of an old Japanese inn which had been used for close to 80 years was encircled inside and out by countless welded rings. The artist says that the design came as an inspiration while standing in front of the warehouse. The artist developed a connection with the region as a result of having exhibited works in 2003 and 2006 in neighboring villages which, through his continued participation in rice planting and harvesting, has become a long-term relationship. The reality is that this village, centered around the houses of three families who have passed on the land from generation to generation, is in danger of dying out. Local produce was sold in the café which was opened in front of the store house. In addition, a “steel workshop” was held in the local elementary school.

Information and Map

Artwork no. N052
Production year 2009
Opening hours 10:00〜16:00
Admission Adult JPY 500 or ETAT Passport or Special ticket
Area Nakasato
Village Nishitajiri
Open dates irregular opening (Spring - Autumn)
Venue 168 Nishitajiri Kou, Tokamachi-city, Niigata
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