To Remember—I have a dream

Photo by ANZAÏ


About the artwork

I did video interviews with 101 young people living in Tokamachi. “What is your dream?” I asked them. And then, “Please watch the camera and silently think your reply to this question: Do you think your dream will come true?” One looked distressed, one laughed in embarrassment, one looked away, one got angry, and another nodded again and again. At the site, we hung up a white mosquito net and projected images of the interviews on it for the audience. The images appeared first on the mosquito net screen that covered the sides and ceiling of the space, then spilled out onto the tatami mats and the audience itself. The audience found themselve “inside” these young people’s dreams and their distress. That “inside” was also a place that they, too, might sleep and dream—the mosquito net. It was a place where many dreams converge… For the opening, I did a performance with 31 young people based on the same concept.


Artwork no. T048
Production year 2003
Area Tokamachi
Village City Center
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