URAJIRO No.11 “The Bon — Mass for the Souls —” /URAJIRO No.1

Photo by OGOSHI Kenichi


About the artwork

It was during the period of the Bon (Buddhist festival) in August when the artist made her arrangement for the Thematic exhibition. It involved making an offering to the Buddhist altar using gleichenia japonica. As the artist began to set the gleichenia, old nails popped out their heads from here and there around the altar. “My arrangement was composed as if it was being guided by the house,” the artist said. Leaves of gleichenia floating in the room express the Spirit, while the lotus petals represent the pond of lotus in heaven. Her permanent exhibit formed a series with her Thematic exhibit. A partition and a sliding door were made with gleichenia stems and the Spirit was drawn with leaves.


Artwork no. K051
Production year 2006
Area Kawanishi
Village Koshirakura
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